
Our Team

Meet the experts behind our company

We believe that teamwork makes the dreamwork! Great things happen when we put our minds together work on a common goal. Without teamwork, work will always take much longer to complete and operations won't run as smoothly. Our team comes together and makes sure that every single part in the operation is running smoothly for guaranteed customer satisfaction. We aim to make sure that we have the best work we can bring by collaborating with experts in the fields

Open Position

Customer Service

Job Description

Skills: writing proficient and eloquent responses to customer questions, problem solving, clear communication, empathy

Education/Training: high school diploma

Experience: 1+ year experience

Optional: any relevant hobbies or passions

Open Position

Marketing Manager

Job Description

Skills: email marketing, copywriting, SEO, SEM, social media management, content creation

Education/Training: Associate's degree in marketing (substitute=2+ years experience)

Experience: 1+ year experience

Optional: any relevant hobbies or passions

Open Position

Beta Tester

Job Description

Skills: computer competence, record keeping, attention to detail, reporting

Education/Training: high school diploma

Experience: none

Recommended: relevant hobbies or passions

Open Position

Graphic Designer/User Interface

Job Description

Skills: creating designs, UI competence, attention to detail

Education/Training: high school diploma

Experience: 2+ years experience

Optional: any relevant hobbies or passions

"Along we can do so little, together we can do so much" - Hellen Keller

On Board

Meet the experts behind our company

Jessie Lynn

Founder & CEO

Struck with an idea for her own app, Jessie decided to form a company in order to make her dream a reality. It all started with the realization that completing habits was unnecessarily difficult. Completing habits meant making a difference in one's life and there was a much simpler solution to completing habits: gamification. With her determination and talent for thinking outside the box, Jessie worked towards figuring out ways to implement gamified elements into the design of the app so that people can have fun while developing habits. Using the proper tools, we believe anyone can make a difference in their lives and the lives of others around them.

Open Position

Co-founder & VP

Job Description

Skills: business management, leadership, collaboration, planning, communication

Education/Training: Bachelor's of Business Administration

Experience: 2+ years

Optional: any relevant hobbies or passions

Open Position

Co-founder & VP

Job Description

Skills: business management, leadership, collaboration, planning, communication

Education/Training: Bachelor's of Business Administration

Experience: 2+ years

Optional: any relevant hobbies or passions

Want to join the Team?

Come join our team

Are looking to join a passionate team that believes in making a difference? If so, you are in the right place. Our team believes in changing people's lives through our work. Come join our team and embark on a journey that not only impacts your career but the people around you.

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